My passion projects for my Instagram art account, Etsy account, my bookmarks series, as well as a few collaboration pieces. Showcased are handmade mockups for my own artwork, my company's signature, and promotional instagram stories for all of these projects.
Clients—Livienrose_ (@livienrose_), Livienrose Co & (, CollabKonnect, Akanksha Thirani
Deliverables—Illustrations, illustrated logo signature, handmade framing mockups, promotional materials
Programs—Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, Instagram
You can find the rest of my LivienroseCo journey in the "ILLUSTRATIONS" tab at the top!

Here shows my illustration signature, two handmade group mockups, and three mockup formats I created by hand to showcase each print on Etsy.

Handmade Signature Icon

Handmade mockup

Handmade mockup

Handmade frame mockup

Handmade print mockup

Handmade frame & border mockup
Promotional story pictures and videos for my art company. This includes my illustration prints, handmade packaging stamp, and Etsy shop opening.

Here is a small passion project of hand made ink and watercolor bookmarks. I art directed, staged, and filmed a scene to display my bookmarks. In addition, I filmed a mini scene to showcase my package design skills.

A few promotional stories for the company CollabKonnect I work with, and author, Akanksha Thirani's first published poetry book I collaborated on.